One of the most important steps in preparing for employment is learning how to present your ideas well.This course will help you to I understand your emotion and knees and how this influence your interactions with others to have impactful conversations that’s boost your confidence and help you feel good for work.

SATURDAY’S COURCE: The five sessions will hold on 21 Jan , 28 Jan, 4 Feb, 11 Feb and 18 Feb. Each Saturday class will run from 10:30 am to 2:30 pm. TICKETS >>>>> https://events.humanitix.com/gcs-23t128-public-speaking-confidence-for-your-career-goodwood/tickets

Tuesday and Wednesday course: The 4 sessions will be held on 17th of January (Tue), 18-Jan (Wed), 24 – Jan (Tue), & 25-Jan (Wed). Each class will run from 10:30am to 3:30pm. TICKETS >>>>> https://events.humanitix.com/gcs-23t127-public-speaking-confidence-for-your-career-goodwood/tickets

The course topic Include :

  • Developing a growth mindset
  • And delivery and impactful message
  • Tailoring your delivery for an audience
  • Design presentations that matters
  • Master techniques to overcome nervousness and presents with confidence
  • And practice techniques that insure clear concise and effective wording is used
  • Deliver and polished, professional and credible speech
  • Handle questions and comments effectively
  • Building connections through and with LinkedIn

Our community learning Mentos and trainers are there to support you every step of the way. You will be required to complete a basic assessment of your reading in numeracy skills before you start. This will help the team identify and sport you may need ensure that this is the right course for you.

Contact the Community learning team on 83714622 or communinglearning@communitycentressa.asn.au for further information.

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